
List of articles and conference contributions Peer-reviewed articles included in this thesis:

1. D C del Rio, D Juul Jensen, T Yu and N S Tiedje. Laboratory-scale gas atomizer for the manufacturing of metallic powders, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1249 012034 (2022). Published.

2. D C del Rio, D Juul Jensen, N S Tiedje, S Fæster and T Yu. Evaluation of characterization methods for metal powders used in additive manufacturing, Powder Technology. (2023) Under Review

3. D C del Rio, D Juul Jensen, T Yu, I Raffeis, F Adjei-Kyeremeh and N S Tiedje. A CALPHAD study in the effect of Nb and N on the phase stability of 316L produced by laser-based Additive Manufacturing., Addit. Manuf. (2023) In preparation